Monday, August 23, 2010

the other side....

Visited Hell this weekend, at least it felt like it.  In Hell ones deodorant fails and first layer of skin melts off.  103 it was, this did not please Isis who let us know by wandering in and out of the house voicing her opinion about the nasty weather and lack of killing. 

While some us voluntarily stepped into Hell to wander about, some in the universe that are forced to live in Hell, by their supposedly carrying and loving parent.....

Malnourished Boy Found in Attic....

The Johnson County, Kan., Sheriff's Office said a malnourished boy was found in the attic of a De Soto home earlier this week.According to a news release issued on Thursday, deputies went to a home in the 8200 block of Center Drive on Tuesday evening to check on a 6-year-old child. Master Deputy Tom Erickson said deputies checked the home and talked to his mother, who claimed the boy was not in the home.
he 26-year-old mother, identified as Rachel L. Perez, was taken into custody on an outstanding traffic warrant.Deputies went back to the home that same night, again at the request of the same relative, and found a 6-year-old boy in the attic of the home. Deputies described the boy as "very fragile and malnourished."

Even scarier still was one of the posted comments on this article...

"I know Rachel Perez for about the last 5 years. I've lived in De Soto for the last 15 years, and she is no stranger to anyone in this town. In the years that I've known her, I never even knew she HAD a son! Everyone here always sees her tooling around town with her two daughters, but that's it" 

This pisses me off.  The boy is 6+ years old, that means he probably has had no medical care, socialization is at at minimum at best!  The child will most likely never recover from this.  This event aligns with research about neglected feral children. I do not care what may have happened in Perez's life to cause her to do such horrific things, she is a dark and evil creature.  To do anything of this nature to an innocent child is unforgivable. 


Jacques d'Emal said...

You went back to Texas?

Johanna said...
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Johanna said...

Um nooooooooo! It was 103 out in the ND, I think Texas came to us