Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Presidents Day?

Nov 11th, I thought was Presidents Day.  No seriously, even though I was busy making a Veterans Display.  To be honest we could be honoring toe fungus and I would not care as long as I got it off to snuggle at home with my little Boo Boo.

Must make a mental note to call my Uncle Colin tomorrow and thank him for being a Vietnam/Korea President! I believe, he was the last to serve in the Armed Forces.  Someone from my family has been in the armed forces ever since the Civil War, maybe before that.  Current generations have given up this tradition.  Serving in the US Armed Forces would be nice, but we like sleeping in :-)


Jacques d'Emal said...

I don't care what it's called now. Nov 11th is Armistice Day. It commemorates the ending of the Great War.

Johanna said...

That is what we call it in our house when mommy isn't delusional and calling it Presidents day :-)