Friday, October 7, 2011

chest gooo....

Got dropped by disease like a week or so ago.  Apparently, if you vomit like a crazy person, they give you a shot in your bum and ship you off home to sleep it off but if you are that is a whole different package of fun.  Ended up on Labor and Delivery getting dehydrated and pumped full of IV goodness.  Nora better give me a thank you note when she gets herself hatched.  Cuz mommy does not like IVs...shots...pretty much hospitals are not on my list of fun.  While hanging out in the realm of the medical, I started coughing up gooooo...slimy clear gooooo....  The nurse asked me how long had this been going on and was like..."a while..."  Apparently ones lungs should not be producers of clear slimy goooo.  4+ hours later and a goodie bag of festive drugs, I was at home sleeping off the last of the evil that inhabited my body.  Have listed last week under the "not fun category."

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