Monday, August 26, 2013

four good days

So as you know old school White Supremacy has come to Leith, ND.  (time for some White Supremacy).  

Apparently the Bismarck Tribune got a hold of Mr. Cobb for interview and he had some incredibly tasteful non-offensive things to say...Not...

"In conversation, those views pour forth in a verbal stream, laced with profanity, f-bombs, words like the n-word, "retard," "Jew" and putdowns of women, who he said lack intelligence and are only good four days a month. Most young people are "dysfunctional retards that have been raised by single mothers," he said."

Aha...well lets hope it was one of my four good days of the month today when I read this, cuz do you really want to piss off a women when it is not one of her four good days of the month? Plus I am angry Irish girl, enough said.  And who came up with this four good days of the month thing?  Intelligence, Mr. Cobb, is the only thing stopping me from sending you back to the Neolithic period.  Your brain is already there, why not your body.

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