Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Child abuse or.....

discipline? Train up a Child by Michael and Debi Pearl, when it comes to spanking, recommends willow branches for smaller children and a larger branch or belt for older children.

"A child-raising book that advocates whipping with branches and belts has sold hundreds of thousands of copies to evangelical Christians. But the deaths of three children whose parents appear to have been influenced by the authors' teachings have provoked a growing backlash.
The implements can vary. For a child under one year old, a willowy branch or a 1ft (30cm) ruler is recommended. For older children, a larger branch or a belt.
But the objective of the "spanking" described in Michael and Debi Pearl's To Train Up a Child is the same - making children surrender completely to their parents' will.
"Training is the conditioning of the child's mind before the crisis arises; it is preparation for future, instant, unquestioning obedience," reads a passage from the book's first chapter."

Oh yes, that is right, surrender and unquestionable obedience. This seems so very unChristlike to me it hurts.  I can't remember a single text in the Bible that had Christ beating wayward boys and girls.  Sure there was the whole temple money changer thing, but those were adults he went shit crazy on not children.

The book recommends "The "training" is meant to start early and pre-empt the need for punishment. But if the child is already rebellious, parents are told to "use whatever force is necessary to bring him to bay"."  Oh that is so uncool dude, particularly if it involves solitary confinement, water boarding, beatings, maybe having the kid eat hot sauce and tossing him in a cold shower.

 Hannah (not her real name), raised by Independent Fundamental Baptists in north-western Florida started getting beatings after her parents got their hands on the Pearl's book. "He used wooden rulers, or yardsticks, to spank her, snapping about five in the course of the beating - her mother kept a dozen in the house because they broke so often." 

This  seems like proper discipline if you are Hitler or Stalin  According to the article these books are given to parents who have new babies so they can prepare for raising their child properly. If you want a list of books with discipline methods similar to are few to choose from...and not for the faint of heart.  No worries Hitler set a standard for bringing on surrender and unquestionable obedience...(yes, there are others that could be added to this...)

Hitler's Death Camps: The Sanity of Madness
The Theory and Practice of Hell: The German Concentration Camps and the System Behind Them 
Hitler's Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields 

Of course if your children are super naughty then try packing them off to live the rest of their days in Siberia in the Gulag.  That seems sane and normal after you beat their bottoms raw.

On a side note, both my children are rebellious, stubborn Swedes. I deal with this free thinking independent mindset daily and it can be very frustrating but I prefer to follow Christ's example and not beat the hell out of them.

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