Monday, June 16, 2014

Double Standard much?

So Hobby Lobby as you may know them for their cheap decorative items, glitter glue, various party streamers has apparently believe in the "literal reading of the bible" in public schools

From Stephanie Simon at Politico:
The plans that have been made public so far — including the high school curriculum — seem aimed at portraying scripture as historically accurate and an unequivocal force for good, said John Kutsko, executive director of the international Society of Biblical Literature, the oldest and largest organization dedicated to Biblical scholarship.

That approach fails to incorporate the latest scholarship, acknowledge that the Bible has also played a role as a tool of oppression or recognize different religious viewpoints, Kutsko said.

“It’s a simple, superficial, literal reading of the Bible,” Kutsko said.

In his view, that’s inappropriate both in a public high school and in a private museum that “by virtue of being adjacent to the Mall gives the impression that it’s almost a national museum,” he said.
I love it that Hobby Lobby has a double standard. They apparently don't want someone to come into their house and tell them what to do: in this case birth control and "gasp" that evil of evils Obamacare.  But are super willing to stomp in to someone else's this case the realm of education and tell them what to do.

People with Double Standards like Hobby Lobby end up with bad things happening to them...

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