Monday, November 1, 2010


Last night AMC's Walking Dead premiered.  I am hoping this fills the gaping hole in my soul since Buffy and Angel fled the television arena.  I need some serious slaughtering, general crazy nastiness, and mental brain thumping.  Mad Men has been offering some terrific writing and A&E Hoarders has provided the "ewww factor" but what I have been missing is the "kill now, ask questions later" plot line.  I would preference the lead in the Walking Dead to be a female, but that would be to cliche and Resident Evil feeling so they had to select an obvious male lead.  General plot line:  Deputy receives bullet to chest, slips into a coma, wakes up in a middle of a pandemic, and a random locked door in the hospital that says "Don't Open, Dead Inside!" 

That is all I will say for now, so far I am lovin' this walking pile of putrid oozing body consuming death.  If you haven't watched it, watch it!  We will see if the Walking Dead can maintain is momentum, great plot line, serious slaying of oozing dead things!

Read more: "Walking Dead": Zombies for a recession-age America


Jacques d'Emal said...

I assume you know that the series is based on a comic of the same title.
But if you don't. There you go.

I also recommend World War Z if you haven't stumbled upon it yet.

We have some real zombie fans in this library.

Johanna said...

Oh yea, of course I forget my chosen profession of Information Goddess :-)