Thursday, January 6, 2011

welcome to reality....

US oil spill: 'Bad management' led to BP disaster ..
"The companies involved in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill made decisions to cut costs and save time that contributed to the disaster, a US panel has concluded."
...This pretty much confirms why I live in terror of bad management...dude it can kill you!  I am certain as the investigation goes deeper they will fine individuals who stated their opinion about the "bad management" styling' and were smacked down by the management.  If there is one thing "bad management" does not approve of is other people's criticism on their bad management.  The best person to go for "bad management" advice is Dilbert.
Scott Adams is the king of serving up how bad management really is, why our jobs suck, and no matter how much we attempt to fix the problem, no resolution will ever be found!

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