Wednesday, April 24, 2013

National Immunization Infant Week

So it is National Immunization Infant Week across the land.  There seems to be some moral/ethical code that is wandering through the land, with people hopping on the anti-vaccine wagon, which is cute and adorable, but really. I have decided that these people have lived the entire lives in tiny prepackaged bubbles of American bliss.  After traveling fairly extensively I have made this dramatic discovery that this magical fairy ass natural immunity shit doesn't exist. Also it helps my husband remembers the great wonderfulness of Polio, Measles, Whooping Cough, and other magnificent diseases.  Yea, if you don't believe your data that getting a vaccines for your kids is a good idea, are an idiot.  Good luck with Polio when it returns to the America's in full force.  It only really takes one carrier to bring it back home dudes. If you start sniffling about the negative effects of vaccines, shut the fuck up. Flawed information with poor sources never ever impresses me. Go live in some nice 3rd world country for a while and figure that out for yourself.

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