Thursday, September 12, 2013

Going Nazi?

It is well known that Hitler and the Nazi's had a thing for lighting up knowledge they did not approve of and burning it. Not to be outdone...Pastor Terry Jones, Florida Pastor,  was going to get his busy on to keep up with the Nazi history of burning books by firing up 3,000 Qur'ans to mark the September 11 terrorist attacks.  

Poor people of Mulberry, FL, if this dude lived in my town I would be super embarrassed:

1) Going to destroy the oxygen of the park with some nice smoke from his smoldering Qur'an pile.  No fun playing, when one has their lungs bathed in smoke.

2) Someone will get pissed, like across the Atlantic pissed. Last time someone did something naughty with a Qur'an people got hurt and killed.  Lets see 3,000 Qur'an's that is a lot hurt.

3) Wonder how Pastor Terry would feel if we burnt 3,000 Bibles? Pissed?

4) "Do to others as you would have them do to you."  Luke 6:31

Wonder if Pastor Terry Jones has read the Bible, lately? Maybe he is using another book to guide him on his quest to be stupid, annoying, and follow in the Nazi parties footsteps?

I read somewhere a while back that Pastor Jones claimed that God was speaking with him directly, or something.  Well let me take you a step back to another Jones, Jim Jones, who also had a religious thing going as well. 900+ hundred people died thanks to his religious insane fervor. Maybe the same "God" that worked Jim is working with Terry? Two Jones, one pod.  Or maybe, since what Terry is doing goes against scripture, particularly the Golden Rule, he is dealing with the Devil himself?

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