Tuesday, October 8, 2013

we wipe our butts with stupid

Went on a bit of a mini-vacation last week. Need sometime in Montana with the bears and moose at Yellowstone.  Guess what dudes?  The idiot crew in Washington refused to figure out their budget requests and Yellowstone was closed! Basically the idiot crew in Washington, D.C. can't seem to figure out what to wipe their butts with: Charmin or Angel Soft?!  Damn idiots. Now there are a whole lot of people not getting paid.  The poor Weather Service is working their asses for free. Federal prisons, prison guards have to go to work and no money? No worries dudes the prisoners are still getting their $$!  Oh yea, that is right, we are not paying the guards but the prisoners. Try to work that annoying fact out in your tiny human brains.

To sum it up, if I hadn't already seen almost every inch of Yellowstone I probably would have been way WAY more annoyed.  Feeling kinda of sorry for those tourists that traveled thousands of miles by plane, train, auto, bus, and boat to see the United States grandest natural treasures and then have the door slammed in their faces and be packed out of the parks.  Imagine what they are thinking?!

The United States used to be a great nation...now not so much anymore. We are more a nation of blubbering idiots. Yes, the rest of the world is mocking us. So wipe your butts Washington, D.C. and put your pants back on and fix shit.

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