Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Correlation does not imply causation

I am not on the fence about if I should or shouldn't vaccinate my kids. Third world country travel, being just super old, and spending quality time with friends of my parents that survived the polio outbreak with various medical issues pretty much put the fear of God into me when it comes to nasty childhood diseases that can be prevented.  If you deny this, then you are an idiot. Thanks for playing.

With it comes to vaccinating my children I do not listen to former Playboy Bunnies, I prefer those people called medical researchers/virologists?! For those with tiny minds, here is a fun fact for you: Correlation does not imply causation. If you find that tidbit confusing, trying going back and taking some basic science courses, they cover it dudes. 

Sure, I read blogs, books, and facebook statuses from people "who have figured it all out" and vaccines are causing all sorts of horrific things. Guess what, if you haven't sat in a lab and looked at those tiny microscopic diseases running about or spent quality time working in the middle of a Measles outbreak in Pakistan don't even talk to me about "figuring it all out." If one more person tells me that the CDC is fraudulent and lying, I will bite you on the ankle and turn you into a zombie. Cuz I have been vaccinated and I assume that this is a side effect. 

In the past couple years whooping cough has started a nasty return to the United States along with its little friend Measles. Oh joy, lucky us...wonder when Polio will show back up? Jonas Salk will probably rise from the grave when Polio returns. 

Researchers have determined that "Children who did not get vaccinated against whooping cough contributed to the 2010 outbreak of the illness, when more cases were reported than in any year since 1947." 

If I wanted to live in middle ages, I would but I don't. I love the modern day world and that my children will not be maimed/killed by childhood diseases that continue to stalk the planet. 

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