Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It is Thanksgiving, Stupid

Thanksgiving. The day I enjoy basking in the glow of my children, family, and warmth of way way to much food.  8 hours of blessed reprieve from working like crazy person, just so I can sit around and make mashed potatoes. Used to be Black Friday, began with a mad rush of humanity through store gateways, around about 2 or 3am.  Sometimes 5am on Friday morning, that is the day after Thanksgiving. Then the Black Friday materialist hustle got moved to around midnight. Now it appears that mad rush of humanity for goods has now melted into the Thanksgiving Day itself, with some stores opening at 8pm and others at 6pm. Infringing on the Holy Giant Bird day?

Have you no dignity? I know that some humans would like to work to make money but I firmly believe one or two days a year, the US should cease moving toward the next procurement of crap to fill our houses.  Will I shop on Thanksgiving, no. The only possible thing that would draw me out on Thanksgiving, if one of my darling babies got ill, then we would visit the doctor. Of course I don't shop on Black Friday either. I see no reason to stand in lines, be mauled by random amounts of humanity just to save 50 or so dollars or more off some random items.

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