Monday, June 9, 2014

Walmart: 30 minutes in the Hellmouth

The kids and I went to Target to look for bikes for them. So little bikes for tiny people with training wheels. Target was out of the ones we wanted to we went to Walmart.  I must note at this time, I rarely go to Walmart for several reasons:
  1. It is a million miles back to anything if I forget it.  Think Shackleton leaving his toothbrush on the boat...
  2. Giant gaping holes on shelves of things I wanted
  3. Never being able to find ANY freaking person to help me
  4. 2 lines open, ever...when they have dozens of lines

So my first mistake was thinking the Walmart trip would be a quick in and out...not so much. Had the kids with me, second mistake. Found the bikes easily enough, did they have any girls bikes my daughters size in arms reach? No...the Teenage Mutant Turtle Bike my son wanted was mounted on a wall or something like that. Couldn't reach it either. After spending 10 minutes wandering around looking for anyone, someone to help me! ANYONE!  I found photography. She didn't want to call anyone to come help and sent me over Electronics.  He said he would call someone.  Great, I am getting somewhere...forgetting I was in freaking Hellmouth.  Waited 20 more minutes in one...negative. Finally I boosted down one bike from its mount, that hurt a bit.  My daughter got a boys bike, my son did not get the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle bike and away we went.  In the meantime all hell had broken loose between my 4 and 2 year old. They decided they want a car or a scooter. Not a bike. They wanted to roll around on the floor, hide, or be generally weird.

Lets see Walmart's Motto is "Save Money. Live Better."  Guess what Walmart, I consider having excellent customer service living better. I would rather pay more for a product and have someone fucking help me...then paying less.

So yes, Target had some massive security breach..bla bla bla and now they are having some problems but when I go to Target I have ALWAYS found someone to help me. Even when I am not looking, they will ask..."are you finding everything you need?" Generally if there more then 2 people in a line they are quick to open another line.   Yes, sometimes I do find they are sold out of some items, like bikes but the universe will continue and I can find alternatives. Also, our Target is a perfect size, and I don't have to pack a lunch to shop in it.

So Target - YES!  Walmart - Boooooooo!

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